Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Welp, that's annoying.

No one likes the adjective "annoying" to be tossed into the mix when they're being discussed. I see social media sites as a big factor into a company’s and organization’s success or failure. Companies or organizations are often the worst offenders in the social media spam and wrong doings. Thankfully, PR Daily has given us "12 annoying social media practices" by Robert M. Caruso to help guide our social media ways personally and as a PR practitioner. Like normal, I have picked my top 5 "annoyances" and added some of my own opinions in with Mr. Caruso’s.

They are listed in no particular order of annoyance.

1. Random Facebook event invites

Do I know you? Do you know me? Does this event apply to me? If your answer is no to any of those question, then it might be a good idea to reconsider your event invitation requests.

The Facebook event application can be powerful and effective when used properly. Mass-inviting non-targeted prospects that you have built no relationship with to your event is more than annoying; this kind of direct marketing in a social environment usually kills brand and, worse, gets you un-friended.

2. Random share requests

Just because is social media is through the Internet doesn't mean they don't have to be legitimate relationships. Before you start asking a Facebook friend or Twitter follower to share a post for you, be sure you have developed a relationship. Would you ask someone you met in line at Starbucks to email all of their friends your new blog post or website when you just met them? Would you call people you met once and never talked to again, asking them to put a sign for your business in their company lobby?

Of course you wouldn’t! You must first build a relationship, get to know them and provide value to them first. So, don’t do it in social media, either.

3. TeamFollowBack
Why would anyone doing social media marketing want followers to follow them just because? Followers and fans should be made up of a highly targeted community that you can provide value to and are most likely your prospective customers.

Quantity and quality are equally important.

4. Ignoring shares/RTs

If someone shares a post of yours or retweets (a.k.a. RTs) something you posted on Twitter, thank them. By replying, you can build a relationship. When they shared your post to all of their friends, fans, or followers, they are saying to you, “What you posted was valuable and relevant.” Ignoring their gracious and free publicity of you and/or your brand is like ignoring someone at a networking event that hands your business card to someone right in front of you.

5. Too late

Social media is digital. It happens at lightning speed. Don’t take days to respond to a comment or conversation attempt by a fan or follower. Make a commitment to your social media marketing and respond quickly.

Hopefully, we all can learn a little bit of social media etiquette as a PR Practitioner and utilize it in both our professional careers and personal lives.

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