Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Personal PR Round 2

Even though I am only a junior, I am already prepping for the real world and all that comes along with finally being a grown-up. I am currently focusing on interview prep because it seems that even the slightest mistake on a resume, cover letter or in an interview could cost me the job. In my blog titled "Personal PR" I discussed common mistakes on a resumes and cover letters, so I figured it would be appropriate to talk about interviewing tips. More specifically I plan to talk about body language. 

I enjoy steps or guidelines when taking advice on how something should be done; therefore, below are six things you should know about body language.

Here are "6 things you need to know about body language."  Taken from an article on PRDaily.com.

1. Most people overestimate their energy level. 

We’re lousy judges of how energetic we appear to others, and most people benefit from boosting their energy level 10 to 15 percent. You may think that you are an eight on a 10 point scale, but you can always give a little more. Seeing your entusiasm for an organization or a position the employer will be more willing to look over a small mistake and give you as a potential employee another look.

2. Stop thinking and look at me. 

When we speak, we maintain eye contact just 40 to 60 percent of the time. The lack of eye contact can signal nervousness or evasiveness. You can help maintain better eye contact if you pause briefly before answering a question, which will allow you to put together your thoughts and get an answer together before you begin speaking. 

3. Gesturing makes your words better. 

The physical act of gesturing helps them form clearer thoughts and speak in tighter sentences with more declarative language. Gesture as naturally as you typically would in everyday life. Your words will come to you more easily and the words you use will be stronger.

4. When you’re defensive, you remember less. 

If you see your audience exhibiting defensive body language, change tactics and don’t try to persuade them to your point-of-view until their body language opens up. The last thing you want to do is offend a potential employer, keeping strong opinions and controversial topics to yourself is probably the best idea.

5. Your feet point the way. 

Your feet subconsciously tell you where you want to go. In the middle of a conversation you wish you could exit, look at your feet. You might be surprised to find that they’re not both pointing directly at the person with whom you’re speaking. Be careful to not look like you are in a hurry or anxious during an interview. Before you go into the building take a breath in, calm down and make sure you have an appropriate amount of time freed for the interview.   

6. If you smile, they smile. 

We subconsciously imitate the things we see. When I look at someone and smile, they tend to smile; so, smile and be friendly. Remember the interview starts as soon as you walk into the building, so putting that smile on, greeting the secretary or office assistant can make all of the difference in overall interview quality.

The next time you go into an interview or speech situation, hopefully you can utilize these tips and tricks to amplify your presence positively in the either situation.

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